Just like with Will Smith, my movie blog will also be an Alec Baldwin free zone. Why? Well, let's see: between his beating on wimpy paparazzo and threatening to "stone" politicians--specifically Republicans--and their families on national TV and even threatening his very own daughter after calling her a "pig" over the phone that was, of course, released to the press, which, in typical AC fashion, he seemed to be far more upset over THAT than what he actually said to his own little girl, plus the fact that he acts as if every single fucking word that comes out of his mind is akin to Moses coming down off the mountain carrying the Ten Commandments on stone tablets is why Alec Baldwin, like his fellow thespian Will Smith, is one major A-Hole/D-Bag and why I'll NEVER review ANY of his movies here (which, of course, I'll bet he'll be totally & completely heartbroken over this fact!)! Of course, Alec's defenders in Hollywood (and let's not forget the media!) will probably say how "talented" Mr. Baldwin is to which I would say: Talent does NOT excuse bad behavior. Before I end my anti-Alec diatribe entirely, I would like to convey a special message to Mr. Baldwin if I may: Alec, if you ever read this (which I sincerely hope you do!), I would just like to suggest that, since you seem so hell-bent on proving to everyone--including, of course, your own little girl--what a bad-ass you are, GO MOUTH OFF TO A HELL'S ANGEL AND LET'S SEE JUST HOW FUCKING TOUGH YOU REALLY ARE, YOU A-HOLE/D-BAG, YOU!!!! Just a suggestion! A sidenote: While the (so-called) left goes after various right-wingers for their various misdeeds (Ted Nugent, are you listening?), one hears nary a peep from Alec Baldwin's fellow leftie Hollywood pals for HIS various misdeeds and whatnot; like, for instance, Alec's 30 Rock co-star Tina Fey offered a "no comment" when asked during her Playboy Interview some years back when asked about Alec actually threatening his own daughter--who was 11 or 12 at the time of his verbal assault against her--in that by-now-notorious phone message. Of course, Miss Fey has no qualms whatsoever about "targeting" other celebs and/or right-wingers, such as Paris Hilton--whom she called "a piece of shit" on Howard Stern's show--and her career-saving turn as Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. Ain't Hollywood Hypocrisy grand!
Welcome to my Movie Blog!
Hi, I'm Tony, a.k.a. The Non Roger Ebert (R.I.P., Roger!), and welcome to my movie blog. First, let me start out by saying that this WON'T be any ordinary movie blog as I'll be reviewing movies you've probably heard of before or probably never thought about watching. Yes, I will review the occasional "mainstream" film (mostly to slam it!) and I'll be reviewing films both past and present (mostly past since I think most films released nowadays suck canal water!). I also won't be using any star ratings or thumbs up or thumbs down or anything like that since if you CAN'T figure out how much I love or loathe a film by my movie reviews alone then you're a dumb mofo, please exit the site NOW!!!! Along with the movie reviews will be commentaries on various celebrities and/or the so-called "entertainment" business in general. Enjoy!
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