Welcome to my Movie Blog!

Hi, I'm Tony, a.k.a. The Non Roger Ebert (R.I.P., Roger!), and welcome to my movie blog. First, let me start out by saying that this WON'T be any ordinary movie blog as I'll be reviewing movies you've probably heard of before or probably never thought about watching. Yes, I will review the occasional "mainstream" film (mostly to slam it!) and I'll be reviewing films both past and present (mostly past since I think most films released nowadays suck canal water!). I also won't be using any star ratings or thumbs up or thumbs down or anything like that since if you CAN'T figure out how much I love or loathe a film by my movie reviews alone then you're a dumb mofo, please exit the site NOW!!!! Along with the movie reviews will be commentaries on various celebrities and/or the so-called "entertainment" business in general. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I mean, who wouldn't want to take spiritual advice from THIS guy?
Kirk Cameron became a household name on the eighties TV sitcom Growing Pains. It was on the show that Kirk claims to have become a “born-again Christian,” and he quickly gained a reputation of imposing his newfound religious beliefs on cast and crew; like, for instance, he reportedly got his co-star Julie McCullough fired from the show because she was once a Playboy Playmate and he reportedly denounced the show’s producers as being “pornographers” when they wanted his character to start sleeping around. After the show was cancelled, Kirk went from imposing his religious beliefs on his show to imposing said beliefs on the rest of America as he now hosts the show The Way Of The Master with a New Zealander “brother-in-Christ” named Ray Comfort (and, as you’re about to see, that’s an ironic name if there ever was one!). On the show, both Kirk & Ray accost unsuspecting passersby on the street, sometimes bribing them with counterfeit $1 million bills that they themselves have printed, which Kirk & Ray do even though it has reportedly caught the attention of the Secret Service and even though it states in the Bible how one has to (my paraphrasing) provide for “honest” things both in the sight of the Lord & of men, where they usually denounce them as blasphemous sinners—or “criminals against God,” as Ray has kindly referred to them—worthy of an eternity in you-know-where. Picture a cross between Billy Graham and Jerry Springer and you’ll get an idea of what the show is like. Kirk & Ray do this kind of preaching-by-condemnation (which has led to them being physically assaulted, in particular Comfort who seems to be the more abrasive of the two) even though Jesus—or The Master—states in the Bible (again, my paraphrasing) “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” When they’re not out on the street “casting stones” against the infidels and the non-believers, Cameron/Comfort do other really moronic things on their show; like, for instance, when Ray attempted to—and, no, I’m not making this up!—buy a plane ticket for an ape in an attempt to somehow disprove Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is, of course, akin to someone trying to see if a man could actually survive for three whole days inside the belly of a whale—or, technically, a “big fish”—the way that biblical hero Jonah (supposedly) did (and don’t get me started on that whole Noah’s Ark thing!)! But Kirk & Ray, like so many TV moralists who are quick to condemn others for their supposed sins while painting themselves up to be the most “godly” of men and, of course, make a quick buck while doing so (Jim Bakker, are you listening?), generally don’t practice what they themselves preach. For instance, the Christian Counterfeiters are apparently so busy denouncing others as liars & adulterers & thieves and whatnot that they’ve forgotten what it says in the Bible on this very subject that (there again, my paraphrasing) God is the only one with the authority to judge and certainly not some sanctimonious former A-Hole child star and another holier-than-thou A-Hole whom no one had ever heard of before, of course, hooking up with the former Mike Seaver [sic]. It’s like Mark Twain himself said of these Religiosos: “Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat.” Amen! Oh yeah, Kirk Cameron has also had some success by starring in a number of "Christian"-themed movies such as the series of films based on the popular "Left Behind" books and had a surprise hit with a film called Fireproof where Kirk plays a "Christian" fireman (that's why I've posted about him on my movie blog, for those of you who are curious). A sidenote: Kirk Cameron get into trouble a little while ago when he went on noted British D-Bag Piers Morgan's talk show and said how he thought homosexuality was--surprise!--amoral and whatnot. A number of Kirk's fellow celebs--including a couple of his co-stars from his old TV show--were quick to condemn him for his "homophobic" remarks. But, what I'd like to know is, why in the blessed hell was anyone surprised by what Mr. Cameron said about homosexuals? And, more importantly, WHAT IN THE BLESSED FUCK SHOULD WE CARE?! Just wondering! And, oh yeah, both Kirk & Ray had a televised debate with a couple of self-described atheists--of which you can find clips of on YouTube, by the way--that aired on Nightline and was "moderated" by that other noted D-Bag Martin Brashear [sic] and Kirk & Ray got their blessed butts kicked. Just thought you'd like to know!

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