The film Priest, based on the graphic novel of the same name and initially released in 3-D, takes place in an alternate world where humans war with vampires for years and, fearing extinction from the vamps, the Catholic Church trains these super-soldiers called Priests who eventually defeat the vampires who are subsequently put into these reservations and the "chosen" humans are put into these walled cities that are ruled with an iron fist by the almighty Catholic Church whose motto is, "If you go against the Church, you're going against God!" After his brother, wife and niece who live in what's known as the Wastelands are attacked by a surprise vampire attack and his brother and wife are killed and his niece abducted, the sheriff of the Wastelands who's also the niece's boyfriend enlists the help of the head "retired" Priest played by Paul Bettany who breaks his vows to go after her. I think you should know that these vampires aren't your typical cinematic bloodsuckers moviegoers have seen for decades such as the Bela Lugosi archetype and the (so-called) vampires in those sappy-crappy Twilight flicks that have all the teenage girls all atwitter. No, these vampires are inhuman monsters that are literally the stuff of nightmares. In fact, the Priest goes up against the very first humanoid vampire who is his former friend who is "created" by the vampire queen after he is captured in battle and presumed dead. The Priest goes up against his former friend and the other vampires who've hatched a plan to start a new war with the humans to take back control of the world they once ruled over with the help of the aforesaid sheriff and the Priest's former alley in the form of a sexy female priest played by the ultra hot Maggie Q (of TV's Nikita fame) whom the Church sends after the renegade Priest. I, of course, won't tell you how the battle ends, though you can probably already figure it out for yourself, but I will say that the Priest's niece turns out to be (spoiler alert!) his daughter. Critics weren't that kind to this flick when it was released and the movie flopped at the all-important box office, but I thought it was a pretty unique horror/action flick. Kind of like a higher-grade B-movie. Anything else you'd like to know you'll just have to watch the damn movie, okay?
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