Welcome to my Movie Blog!

Hi, I'm Tony, a.k.a. The Non Roger Ebert (R.I.P., Roger!), and welcome to my movie blog. First, let me start out by saying that this WON'T be any ordinary movie blog as I'll be reviewing movies you've probably heard of before or probably never thought about watching. Yes, I will review the occasional "mainstream" film (mostly to slam it!) and I'll be reviewing films both past and present (mostly past since I think most films released nowadays suck canal water!). I also won't be using any star ratings or thumbs up or thumbs down or anything like that since if you CAN'T figure out how much I love or loathe a film by my movie reviews alone then you're a dumb mofo, please exit the site NOW!!!! Along with the movie reviews will be commentaries on various celebrities and/or the so-called "entertainment" business in general. Enjoy!

Friday, July 18, 2014


Against The Dark is yet another straight-to-video Steven Seagal flick. This one is different from Seagal's usual cinematic fare in that it's more of a horror flick than a straight-out action flick that he's most noted for. The plot of this film centers around a virus that spreads worldwide (of course!) that turns its victims into a kind of vampire/zombie hybrid that both eats people and infects others by biting them. The non-infected civilians must fight to survive (of course!). This film focuses on a group of survivors who get trapped in this hospital that's been overrun with these vampire/zombie hybrids and they must fight their way out before the military "cleans" the hospital and the surrounding area by bombing the hell out of it. To be honest, I wasn't really expecting much from this film, especially given that it was a Steven Seagal straight-to-video flick, but, I must admit, I was rather surprised at how--dare I say it!--entertaining this particular flick actually was in spite of the fact that it "starred" Steven Seagal. Actually, Steven's role is rather negligible in this flick as he's more or less phoning it in as the leader of a group of "hunters" who patrol the streets killing off these vampire/zombie hybrids. There's not a whole lot of martial arts in the film, though there are a number of fight scenes between the "hunters" and/or the group of non-infected civilians. Of course, not everyone makes it out alive towards the end. Now, the million-dollar question it, does Steven make it out alive? Seeing as he co-produced the thing (and given that he stars in it), what do YOU think? Frankly, I think Steven Seagal could've been kept out of the flick entirely and it would have been JUST as entertaining, perhaps even MORE so! Overall, in spite of the fact that it "stars" Steven Seagal (and I'll, of course, let you decide for yourself if that's a good or a bad thing!), Against The Dark isn't that bad of a horror or action flick or whatever cinematic genre you want to put it in. In fact, I'll go as far as saying that it's actually better than some other vampire/zombie flicks I've seen and/or reviewed on this blog (again, in spite of the fact that it "stars" Steven Seagal!).

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