The Lords Of Salem is an "independent" horror flick directed by rocker-turned-director Rob Zombie (of White Zombie fame). The film is about . . . well, to be quite honest, I'm not entirely sure what in the blessed hell this flick is about. First off, the film begins back in Salem, Massachusetts during the time of the Salem Witch Trials and a group of--you guessed it!--witches are standing around a huge campfire when all of a sudden they strip off their robes and they're standing around said fire naked--and I'm NOT talking about "good" naked either!--and they all start running around the fire and scream their heads off at each other while a goat watches. That was my FIRST clue this was going to be one effed-up flick! Anyway, the film centers around a female radio DJ in Salem--played by Rob Zombie's "uber" hot wife Sherrie Moon Zombie--who turns out to be the descendant of a Reverend Johnathan Hawthorne who had the coven of witches we see at the beginning of the film burned at the stake. The head witch, it turns out, "curses" all descendants of Hawthorne while she's burning at the stake and promises that one of said descendants will give birth to Satan's child or whatever (and we, of course, find out later on why this is so important). Anyway, the DJ receives this mysterious record album at the station by a group no one has ever heard of called The Lords and/or The Lords Of Salem (it goes back & forth in the film). When she and her fellow DJ's play the weird-sounding record on the air, it puts her and the other women of Salem who are listening into a trance. From there, the DJ's "hallucinations" continue to get worse and worse; like, for instance, she "hallucinates" that this priest is sexually assaulting her when she goes inside this church and then she wakes up and runs out of the church where she has another "hallucination" of a "demon" with a misshapen grey head walking towards her with a goat on a leash. (In fact, since the DJ is a recovering--and then later relapsing--drug addict, it's kind of left open to interpretation whether or not she's having drug-induced "hallucinations" and whatnot.) Anyway, three more "witches"--or whoever the hell they are since the film really doesn't make that quite clear (at least not to me)--who are not only sisters but one of whom is the DJ's landlord are somehow "controlling" the DJ throughout much of the film. In the last half of the film, which is without a doubt the most effed-up part of the film, they "convince" her to give birth at this concert hall to this creature that's supposed to be the anti-Christ or something (although it looks more like the face-planting alien from the Alien films). In between her giving birth (with bloody streams running out from between her legs, by the way), we see "visions" of the grey "demons" dressed in priest robes "masturbating" and naked women walking in unison while wearing goat heads and the DJ straddling a goat and . . . well, you get the effed-up picture. The movie ends by (spoiler alert!) showing the DJ standing atop what looks to be a pile of female corpses while looking like a "demonic" version of the Virgin Mary with white eyes as the three sister "witches" or whoever the hell they were look on with apparent awe all the while this Velvet Underground song plays. Then the movie cuts to the credits where we hear this voice-over of a man discussing how there was an apparent mass suicide of a group of women, all of whom happen to be descendants of people who lived during the time of the Salem Witch Trials, inside the concert hall and added how the DJ had mysteriously disappeared. Yeah. As you can probably imagine, this isn't one of Rob Zombie's better-known--or better-liked--horror flicks. That, of course, isn't to say that The Lords Of Salem is a necessarily bad movie. It was just--how shall I put it?--nonsensical (again, at least for me). As for his wife Sherri Moon's role in the film, while she certainly isn't the best actress around (although I will say she was pretty menacing in her hubby's horror flick House Of 1000 Corpses and its sequel The Devil's Rejects), she does have a definite, shall we say, presence, especially towards the beginning in the film where she's lying butt-naked on the bed (yeah, I know, I'm a perv!). As for the film itself, I would recommend it for those horror fans who don't mind their horror flicks being effed-up. Otherwise, I would suggest watching one of Mr. Zombie's more--dare I say it!--traditional horror flicks like the aforesaid Corpses and/or Rejects and/or his Halloween reboots. I will give kudos to Rob for trying to do something different instead of the standard "slasher" horror fare, but there's different and then there's . . . this. (No offense, Rob!) Frankly, I think that maybe--just maybe!--Rob's wife Sherrie was busting his chops about making her the "lead" in one of his movies as opposed to a mere co-star and he pulled THIS one out of his . . . well, you know!
Here's a clip from The Lords Of Salem (from YouTube) where Sherri Moon Zombie's DJ character goes into a room in her apartment building that is apparently "haunted" or "possessed" or whatever it is (and you can, of course, see for yourself just how effed-up this flick is!):