Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is the fourth installment of the popular film franchise (based on a ride at Disney World, no less!). This film continues to follow the adventures of eccentric pirate "Captain" Jack Sparrow--played excellently by Johnny Depp in what's perhaps his most iconic role to date--who's always getting himself into--and, of course, out of--trouble. In this film, Jack gets shanghaied first by the British empire and then by the notorious pirate Blackbeard--played menacingly by Ian McShane--with the help of his sexy pirate daughter Angelica--played by the "uber" hot Penelope Cruz--whom Jack had "corrupted" years before--and whom Jack first finds her "impersonating" him at this pirate bar and they get into this sword fight before being chased by the British navy whom Jack had escaped from--to find the legendary Fountain Of Youth. Along the way, they encounter half-naked mermaids--who turn out to be man-hungry demons of sorts--and even former pirate Captain Barbossa--played, of course, by Geoffrey Rush in all four POTC films--who is now a member of the British royal navy. Personally, I think On Stranger Tides is the best out of all three POTC sequels as it seemed to return to the more humorous aspects that made the first one--and by far the best one--such an enjoyable film (even if it WAS based on a Disney ride!). Frankly, I think the other two POTC sequels took themselves a bit too seriously for my tastes. And, of course, having half-naked mermaids AND sexy-as-hell Penelope Cruz as one of the sexiest cinematic female pirates of all-time definitely DOESN'T hurt! Oh yeah, there's also a cameo by rocker Keith Richards (of Rolling Stones fame) as Sparrow's father--who also made a cameo in the previous POTC sequel--whom Depp famously "based" the Sparrow character on. (As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!)
Here's a clip from On Stranger Tides (from YouTube) on the Jack Sparrow sword fight scene with Blackbeard's daughter Angelica. Enjoy!
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