Don't Go In The Woods is a "horror" film that came out a couple of years ago and is not--I repeat--NOT to be confused with the eighties slasher "classic" of the name (and, as you're about to see, that's a VERY good thing!). This film also marks the directorial debut of noted actor Vincent D'Onofrio who's perhaps best known for his role on one of those countless Law & Order shows. I must say, if this film is indicative of Vincent's "talent" as a filmmaker (as opposed to an actor), then I think he'd do best just to stick with acting since this film--oh, how do I put this?--SUCKED. The movie is about the lead singer of this indie rock group--who is such a pretentious little D-Bag he makes Justin Bieber look like Jim Morrison!--who convinces his bandmates to spend some time out in the woods so they can write some new songs for their next album. Upon entering the woods, they come across this ominous-looking sign that reads: Don't Go In The Woods. They ignore it. When gathering firewood, they come upon a cabin filled with assorted weapons, including a sledgehammer (and you're about to see why that's so important). They again ignore it. (You see where this is going, don't you?) While they're practicing, they're joined by their girlfriends and other girls, including this French chick who speaks broken English (and, again, you'll see why that's important). Then they ALL start singing and dancing and even breaking out the bongos at one point (and THAT'S when I started thinking that maybe--just maybe!--this flick was going to SUCK!). The singing and the dancing and the bongo-playing goes on for about the next thirty minutes or so. The only killing that occurs during this time is the band's manager who gets lost in the woods and ends up getting killed by the killer, although we don't get to see the actual killing but rather see the camera sneak up behind said manager and then the screen all of a sudden fades-to-black. The next killing scene occurs when a couple of the girls leave in a huff and they walk back to their car. Now I feel I should point out that one of the gals bursts out in song for no apparent reason while having unseen musical accompaniment. (Oh, did I mention this flick was also a damned musical?!) So, anyway, before they drive away one of the gals goes into the woods to take a leak while her pal waits in the car. All of a sudden the windshield gets hit with an unseen object--which turns out to be the sledgehammer--and the girl in the car starts to scream before she gets her head bashed in (which again we don't see). Of course, this is a scene we have seen in countless OTHER horror flicks, but I digress. Anyhoo, we go back to the campsite where there's even MORE singing, including a song that the band's blind bass player plays with his bass--even though there's no electricity for him to hook up his amp--that goes something like: "I'm glad I'm blind so I can't see all the bad in the world!" Yeah. At one point, some of the group gets confronted by a couple of intense-looking hunters who actually stare at them silently for about a minute before they stalk off. The thing about THIS scene is that we never see these hunters again EVEN THOUGH THERE'S A KILLER IN THE VERY SAME WOODS THEY'RE HUNTING IN!!!! And the plot holes DON'T end there! After "meeting" the not-doomed hunters, one of the band members finds out their van won't start and, when he goes back to inform the lead singer, instead of calling for help LIKE A NORMAL PERSON WOULD DO, he instead has everyone hand over their cell phones and then smashes them in a fit of anger. Oh, wait, it gets better! Two of the girls, including the French chick who speaks broken English, go off in the woods alone together hand-in-hand where they sing yet another crappy-ass song--again, complete with unseen accompaniment!--about how much they "love" each other or whatever before the killer comes out and grabs the one chick and drags her off screaming. The French chick then goes off to "warn" the others but, instead of speaking in English, she starts singing. In French. Yeah. This, of course, gives the killer enough time to "sneak" up behind her and whack her behind her head with his trusty sledgehammer. I think I should also point out at this point that the killer is dressed in--and, no, I'm NOT making this up!--a top hat and a cape, making him look like a hokey street magician one might see on the streets of Las Vegas instead of some maniacal killer. Anyway, as the rest of the group are running and/or being picked off by the killer, the lead singer decides to abruptly stop running and start singing another crappy-ass song and make his girlfriend record the damn thing. When she finally does run, she gets attacked by the killer while her boyfriend's song is playing and, as she tries to get away from the killer, she starts singing her boyfriend's lame-ass song. Anyway, the lead singer--spoiler alert!--winds up killing the killer while he's apparently so mesmerized listening to the recording of his lame-ass song that he doesn't see him picking up his sledgehammer that he's inexplicably dropped on the ground AND EVEN THOUGH HE'S LOOKING DOWN RIGHT AT HIS SLEDGEHAMMER and conks him on the back of the head and his body drops down in the lake. (What got to me about this scene is that one moment the lead singer is drenched in blood and the next moment he doesn't have a speck of blood on him. Go figure!) Then the lead singer leaves his girlfriend lying on the ground practically bleeding to death. The movie ends--again, spoiler alert!--with this record executive played by Eric Bogosian--who also starred with Vincent in that Law & Order show (and was probably doing him a favor)--handing him a copy of his latest album while he's wearing a top hat (seriously, what the hell is up with top hats in this movie?!) which is called--wait for it!--Don't Go In The Woods and telling him he did a good thing ditching his bandmates. Then he stares ominously at the camera making viewers wonder if he was the real killer (at least that's what Wikipedia made you believe!) before the credits start rolling AND HIS CRAPPY-ASS SONG THAT HE SUNG ABOUT TWO OR THREE TIMES BEFORE IN THE FLICK STARTS TO PLAY!!!! I, of course, could probably go on about how much this movie SUCKED but I believe you get the idea at this point, don't you? There have been, of course, other horror musicals, the most famous one being arguably The Rocky Horror Picture Show, although that was arguably more of a "comedy" than a straight-up horror flick. About the only thing horrific--besides, of course, the music--and/or comedic--besides, of course, the music!--was the scene where the keyboardist gets impaled to a tree with his keyboard, which was one of those portable numbers you can buy from Wal-Mart for about ten or twenty bucks. I mean, this movie was SO damn bad that I was actually begging the killer to kill all of them and put ME out of my damned misery! Hell, he probably killed all of them not because he was some deranged killer but rather he wanted them to stop playing their shitty music! This movie actually started off promising enough with the killer attacking this girl--there again, off-camera--and then we get a quick shot of the girl's mutilated body. Plus the woods the movie took place in--which was reportedly shot on Vincent's own property--looked pretty creepy. But the movie itself . . . well, you know! I mean, if this movie wouldn't be in my top five least favorite films of all-time, horror or otherwise, it would most definitely be in my all-time top ten. Don't Go In The Woods? More like DON'T GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!
Here's a clip from YouTube of the blind bass player's "I'm glad I'm blind!" song (my apologies in advance!). (Here's something about said blind bass player's death scene: He gets pelted with rocks from the killer--I guess he misplaced his sledgehammer!--and actually recites lines from his lame-ass song before the killer bashes him over the head with a big-ass rock. There again, he was probably just trying to get him to shut the hell up, you know what I mean?)