I feel it’s safe to assume that if a nationwide poll were taken the vast majority of people in this country--especially those outside Hollywood--would more than likely state they wouldn’t care--in fact, they would prefer--if Hollywood “icons” Roman Polanski and Woody Allen not only never made another movie but dropped out of the limelight altogether. Both Roman & Woody are, of course, “famed” film directors who have garnered just as much--perhaps more--notoriety for their public controversies as for any of their films, which, in my oh-so-humble opinion, are vastly overrated.
For those of you who have been living under a rock these past few decades, Roman Polanski copped to drugging AND brutally raping a 13-year-old girl in Jack Nicholson’s Jacuzzi back in the seventies. Instead of risking jail time for his heinous crime, Polanski instead fled the country where he’s been hiding out ever since. The U.S. tried to extradite him a few years ago but the Swiss government refused much to the obvious delight of the Hollywood establishment who by & large VERY vocally voiced their “support” of the brutal child rapist. For instance, Whoopi Goldberg, who at one time convinced her then-boyfriend Ted Danson to publicly don BLACKFACE, stated on The View how what Roman did--i.e. drug and brutally rape a CHILD--didn’t amount to what she termed, and I quote, “rape-rape”.
Another Hollywood celeb who vocally “supported” Roman Polanski was none other than Woody Allen who, while he may not have been the brutal child rapist like his “friend” Roman Polanski, has himself been accused of engaging in various sexual indiscretions, including with his (alleged) stepdaughters. Again, for those of you who’ve been living under a rock these past couple of decades, Woody’s longtime girlfriend Mia Farrow--who, of course, starred in a number of Allen’s films--found nude pictures taken of her 19-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi by Woody. Long story short, Mia & Allen break up and Woody shacks up with his, uh-hum, love-of-his-life Soon-Yi and eventually marries her. Press reports called Soon-Yi Woody’s “stepdaughter” even though he and Farrow never married. However, though Allen may not have technically been her stepfather, Woody had known Soon-Yi since she was a child and, by all accounts, did indeed act like an actual father to her. So MY question to Mr. Allen would be: When did he stop looking at her like a child/pseudo-stepdaughter and more like, well, a sex object? And when precisely did their relationship turn from a adult/child and/or father/daughter dynamic into one that was sexual? Interestingly enough, I’ve never heard Woody Allen asked these questions.
And then there’s, of course, the allegation lobbied against him at around the same time as his “relationship” with Soon-Yi first became public that he had molested his other adopted daughter Dylan when she was a child, charges that Dylan herself repeated in an open letter she had published earlier this year in the New York Times, which, not surprisingly, drew a sharp rebuke from Woody Allen himself who said Dylan’s allegations were untrue and whatnot. Supporters of Woody Allen have cited how Allen was never charged with a crime in this particular case and cite how there were “contradictions” in Dylan’s accounts of the (alleged) abuse (even though she WAS just a child at the time). However, I can’t help but notice how these same “supporters” never cite Allen’s own contradictions about his, shall we say, interactions with young Dylan (Google it). Not only that, but Allen had obviously acted “inappropriately” with one adopted child, namely Soon-Yi, so would it be THAT much of a stretch to suggest that he could’ve acted “inappropriately” with another adopted child? But, whether or not he did in fact molest his adopted daughter, both Woody Allen & Roman Polanski are prime examples of how celebrities seemingly get away with things, regardless of how heinous, that “normal” people couldn’t get away with. There again, supporters of Allen & Polanski cite the “talents” of both film directors. And I say talent does not--I repeat--DOES NOT excuse bad behavior. Except, of course, in Hollyweird, uh, I mean, wood!
A sidenote: Here’s the link to the open letter written by Dylan Farrow published in the NYT and you can decide for yourself whether or not you believe her account of what transpired between her and Woody Allen: http://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/01/an-open-letter-from-dylan-farrow/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 As for whether or not I personally believe her, well, let’s just say that it wouldn’t surprise me AT ALL and leave it at that, OK? Lastly, actress Scarlett Johansson--who has, of course, starred in a few Woody Allen films herself--publicly stated how "irresponsible" it was for Dylan Farrow to name her in her article when she asked various celebrities such as Johansson how could they keep starring in his films in spite of what he (allegedly) done. I wonder if Scarlett thinks it's "responsible" for a grown man to have a sexual relationship with the adopted daughter of his girlfriend who is indeed young enough to be his own daughter? Just asking!