Welcome to my Movie Blog!

Hi, I'm Tony, a.k.a. The Non Roger Ebert (R.I.P., Roger!), and welcome to my movie blog. First, let me start out by saying that this WON'T be any ordinary movie blog as I'll be reviewing movies you've probably heard of before or probably never thought about watching. Yes, I will review the occasional "mainstream" film (mostly to slam it!) and I'll be reviewing films both past and present (mostly past since I think most films released nowadays suck canal water!). I also won't be using any star ratings or thumbs up or thumbs down or anything like that since if you CAN'T figure out how much I love or loathe a film by my movie reviews alone then you're a dumb mofo, please exit the site NOW!!!! Along with the movie reviews will be commentaries on various celebrities and/or the so-called "entertainment" business in general. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Jennifer Lawrence (but you already know that, DIDN'T you?)

Jennifer Lawrence looking cheeky!

Jennifer Lawrence in body paint as Mystique

Jennifer Lawrence showing off her, er, talent!
Jennifer Lawrence is without a doubt one of the most if not the most successful and popular young actresses in Hollywood today. Jennifer has starred in the highly-popular Hunger Games and X-Men movie franchises and has won a slew of awards for her roles in films such as Silver Linings Playbook. She’s even become a sex symbol of sorts; like, for instance, she was ranked #1 of the Top 99 Most Desirable Women list on AskMen‘s site. So why the hell is it that every time I see Miss Lawrence interviewed on TV she’s seemingly complaining about, well, everything? Jennifer has seemingly waged a one-woman war against what she calls the negative body images perpetrated by--who else!--Hollywood. Which is all well and good, but, if Jennifer truly felt this way, why then has she chosen to pose provocatively for men’s magazines such as Maxim and Esquire? I mean, isn’t she perpetrating the SAME negative body images she claims is so harmful to young women? What makes her criticisms even more head-scratching is that she’s also gone-on-record about her distaste of all the rampant airbrushing that occurs within these very same magazines that she’s posed so provocatively for. Hell, she even complained during an appearance on David “D-Bag” Letterman’s show how this sneaky paparazzo superimposed a, as she put it, 90-year-old’s ass onto a backside bikini shot taken of her (see above pic to, uh-hum, judge for yourselves). The last straw for me came when she told Barbara Walters how it should be “illegal” to call somebody fat in a public forum such as TV and similar outlets. (For the record, I’ve never called anyone “fat” on this or any of my blogs. I may call people D-Bags or A-Holes, but I haven’t called anyone The F Word!) If I were interviewing Jennifer Lawrence, I would ask her point-blank why ALL the complaining? I mean, as I pointed out, she’s by far one of the most popular actresses working in Hollywood today. So what if some A-Hole dared to call her fat? I would also kindly suggest to her that, if she truly feels that Hollywood perpetrates a negative body image that’s “harmful” to impressionable young girls, she stop posing so damn provocatively for “airbrushed” men’s magazines such as Maxim and Esquire. And I would also suggest that maybe--just maybe!--she stop wearing these low-cut tops out in public where half--or more!--of her ta-tas are hanging out for those “sneaky” paparazzi to, er, see  (again, see above pic)! And do I even have to say ANYTHING about Jennifer wearing blue body paint for her role as Mystique in the X-Men films? For the record, I actually like Jennifer Lawrence. I, like many others, think she’s an actual talented actress who actually deserves all her success. However, like with too many OTHER celebrities nowadays (and, yes, I’m looking at YOU, Halle Barry!), I can do without all the damn complaining about getting what she wants, you know what I mean? A sidenote: Another reason why I'm tempted to give an FU to Jennifer Lawrence is that she reportedly called Christian Bale "Fatman"--you know, because he played The Dark Knight in those vastly overrated Batman flicks--reportedly making fun of his deliberate weight gain for a movie they starred in together, reportedly adding how she didn't really want to kiss him during their kissing scene together because he was--you guessed it!--too FAT to kiss. Here's the link to the article where I first read this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2537966/How-Jennifer-Lawrence-reluctant-make-chubby-Christian-Bale-American-Hustle.html Of course, this "quote" is coming from a secondhand source, but, given how hypocritical celebrities can be (and, again, I'm looking at YOU, Halle Barry!), I wouldn't be too surprised that she did in fact say this, you know what I mean? A side-sidenote: Jennifer Lawrence was recently the "victim"--as SOME in the media have dubbed her--of a hacking "scandal" where some nudie selfies of her leaked online. Jennifer's lawyers have, of course, threatened to sue ANY site that dares post these pics. (Yeah, since THAT worked so well for that Kate Middleton chick!) Here's my advice to those celebs who are "victims" of having their "private" nudie selfies hacked & leaked: STOP TAKING NUDIE SELFIES!!!! Problem solved! I just have to ask: Just how narcissistic do YOU have to be to take a nudie selfie of oneself and store it in your phone or some other computing device to where it CAN get hacked & leaked? I mean, it's almost as if these celebs WANT to get these "private" nudie selfies hacked & leaked, you know what I mean? But, surely, that CAN'T be the case, now CAN it?

Here's a clip of Jennifer Lawrence's "illegal fat" interview with Barbara Walters:

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