Angelina Jolie has, by most if not all accounts, become a "respected" actress by being a "goodwill ambassador" for the U.N. and by her upcoming marriage to "respected" actor/humanitarian Brad Pitt and her adopting a bunch of third-world kids, etc., etc. However, I prefer the "old" Angelina Jolie: the one who openly discussed her love--or lust--for other women, her willingness to show her bodacious bod in such T & A classic films like Gia and Foxfire, her relationship and subsequent marriage to noted eccentric actor Billy Bob Thorton and even her seemingly making out in public with her very own brother. As for her acting career, Angelina has gone from starring in T & A-esque films like the aforementioned flicks like Gia, Foxfire and thte Antonio "Latin Lover" Banderas vehicle Original Sin to action films like the Tomb Raider flicks, Salt and Wanted, which was her last nudie appearance on film, and in more "mainstream" fare like . . . ah, who cares, right? It looks highly doubtful that Angelina Jolie will EVER go back to her more risque roots, but at least we can STILL watch her "old" movies (and pictures!), am I right, fellas?
Welcome to my Movie Blog!
Hi, I'm Tony, a.k.a. The Non Roger Ebert (R.I.P., Roger!), and welcome to my movie blog. First, let me start out by saying that this WON'T be any ordinary movie blog as I'll be reviewing movies you've probably heard of before or probably never thought about watching. Yes, I will review the occasional "mainstream" film (mostly to slam it!) and I'll be reviewing films both past and present (mostly past since I think most films released nowadays suck canal water!). I also won't be using any star ratings or thumbs up or thumbs down or anything like that since if you CAN'T figure out how much I love or loathe a film by my movie reviews alone then you're a dumb mofo, please exit the site NOW!!!! Along with the movie reviews will be commentaries on various celebrities and/or the so-called "entertainment" business in general. Enjoy!
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