Pink Flamingos is the 1972 controversial cult classic directed by noted eccentric film director John Waters. Described by Wikipedia as a "transgressive black comedy exploitation film," the flick follows the perverted exploits of Babs Johnson played by overweight transsexual performer the late Divine (who had starred in a number of John Waters's rather crazy-ass flicks) who lives in a--where else!--trailer park complete with fake pink flamingos in the front yard with "her" rather crazy-ass mother who has a serious egg fetish. Babs and her rivals hold a contest of sorts to see who can "win" the title of "filthiest people alive." And just how "filthy" do they get? Well, this film does end with Divine literally eating a dog's . . . well, let's just say that this is probably the FIRST example of a cinematic shit-eating grin! Oh yeah, there's also the scene where Divine gives uncensored, shall we say, oral pleasures to "her son" after they break into their rivals's home and--no, I'm NOT making this up!--lick their furniture to spread their "filthiness" and get incredibly turned on in the process. If you want to find out what other acts of "filthiness" the characters engage in (which also involves a contortionist at a birthday party who does "tricks" with his sphincter that has to be seen to be believed!), well, you'll just have to watch the damn flick, won't you, you pervs! A sidenote: I saw John Waters give a couple of interviews where he told the tale of how he actually got the law called on him by what I assume was this VERY whitebread family after they actually rented Pink Flamingos after renting another John Waters/Divine vehicle Hairspray--one of Waters's VERY few "family-oriented" flicks that was later remade with John Travolta playing the Divine role (yeah, I know, BIG surprise, right?)--and, since they enjoyed Hairspray so much, they decided to rent another "family-oriented" flick from John Waters, which was, of course, none other than Pink Flamingos! (I wonder if they made it all the way to the "dog" scene BEFORE calling the po-po on him?) With a shit-eating grin of his own (non-literal, of course!), John stated how he himself had never called the law after he saw Forrest Gump running! Frankly, I would've called the law on Mr. Waters after watching Hairspray, but then, that's just me!