Welcome to my Movie Blog!

Hi, I'm Tony, a.k.a. The Non Roger Ebert (R.I.P., Roger!), and welcome to my movie blog. First, let me start out by saying that this WON'T be any ordinary movie blog as I'll be reviewing movies you've probably heard of before or probably never thought about watching. Yes, I will review the occasional "mainstream" film (mostly to slam it!) and I'll be reviewing films both past and present (mostly past since I think most films released nowadays suck canal water!). I also won't be using any star ratings or thumbs up or thumbs down or anything like that since if you CAN'T figure out how much I love or loathe a film by my movie reviews alone then you're a dumb mofo, please exit the site NOW!!!! Along with the movie reviews will be commentaries on various celebrities and/or the so-called "entertainment" business in general. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Have you ever seen a movie advertised on TV and you think there's no way in hell you would EVER pay to go see it? Zero Dark Thirty is one of those films for me. The film gives a "fictionalized" account of the "search" and "killing" of Osama bin Laden. The movie was directed by director Kathryn Bigelow who, as you probably already know, won an Oscar for Best Picture for her other "war" film The Hurt Locker. Going back to why I won't watch this movie, judging from what I've already heard about this flick, it sounds like a Republican's wet dream as it reportedly "glamorizes" so-called enhanced interrogation techniques, i.e. TORTURE. The problem with this is that, according to "official" reports on how bin Laden was "captured" and "killed" and whatnot, there was very little if any "torture" involved in "finding" Osama. In fact, the movie is apparently so rife with errors that even the higher-ups at the CIA issued a press release denouncing the "inaccuracy" of the film. Bigelow and the film's producers have responded by saying how this is more or less just a movie, yet they insist how they used--that's right!--"official" accounts of bin Laden's execution. So which is it? Is it a "realistic" portrayal of Osama's "capture"  and "killing" or is it just merely entertainment? Whatever this film is actually supposed to be, I feel that I would be too tempted to call "Bullshit!" while watching it, you know what I mean? Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I'll just watch Kathryn Bigelow's other previously-reviewed "action" flick Point Break starring the late Patrick Swayze and--ugh!--Keanu Reeves, thank you very much! A sidenote: While I don't mean to sound like a diehard conspiracy theorist here, I frankly don't believe the "official" account of bin Laden's "capture" and subsequent killing. If you'd like to see at least part of the reason why, take a gander at the following YouTube clip I found a while back where former Vice-President--and "rumored" actual President--Dick Cheney admits . . . well, I'll just let you watch it and see for yourself, all right?


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